Saturday, November 24, 2012


15 pints of canned broth (plus about a quart and a half in the fridge)
Source: turkey and veggies from Blue Moon Community Farm, chicken from Yahara Grocery Co-op
Recipe: turkey carcass, chicken carcass, veggies

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Blue Moon Meat

Meat purchased from Blue Moon Community Farm:
- Whole turkey

- 3 lb bacon
- pork butt roast
- 2 lb ground pork
- 1 lb Italian sausage
- 2 pkg bone-in pork chops (2 ea)
- smoked pork hocks

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Kidney Beans

7 quarts of canned kidney beans
Source: bulk beans from Yaraha Grocery Co-op
Recipe:, used slightly scant 1.25 c of beans
Note: three quarts failed to seal and were frozen


6 pints sauerkraut (one scant)
Ready: after 12/22/12
Source: Blue Moon Community Farm cabbage, about 4.5+ lbs
Recipe: Sauerkraut in Jars recipe from JenEhr newsletter (11/6/08)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Black beans

6 quarts (one scant) of canned black beans
Source: bulk beans
Recipe:, used 1.25 c beans per jar

Pickled Beets

3 quarts and 1 pint pickled beets
Source: Blue Moon Community Farm beets, 6.25 lbs
Recipe: Norma's Pickled Beets, 1.5 recipes, very little extra syrup

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Pinto Beans

7 quarts of canned pinto beans
Source: bulk beans from Yaraha Grocery Co-op
Recipe:, used heaped 1 cup measure per jar and beans were a bit scant in the end